Event driven architecture in iOS
The architecture of the M25 app - a pomodoro music app for focus and concentration. I adopted the event driven architecture on iOS and I used microservices with Model View ViewModel pattern. I used event driven architecture to achieve a reactive UI and data flow
The M25 project
Timers don’t have to be annoying. Enter: The M25 Project - a pomodoro timer with music, where 25 minutes of shuffled music—not an obnoxious alarm—signals your focus session’s end. Sound better already, right? Let’s see where this journey takes us.
Architecture | Image assets
Image assets organized for reusability, simplicity and accessibility in an iOS project
Watch Crunchyroll Anime Together with Apple SharePlay
Watch Crunchyroll Anime Together with Apple SharePlay
iOS | UIKit | Large title
The hidden UINavigationBar property - large title two line mode
Design | Decorator pattern
Yet another example of implementing Decorator OOP pattern. The examples are from a real project I have worked at.